A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.

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My vim config

Superceded by https://github.com/willsheppard/dotfiles/blob/master/.vimrc

in ~/.vimrc:

" make tabs 4 characters wide
:set tabstop=4
" make > and < keys shift by 4 characters
:set shiftwidth=4
" turn tabs into 4 spaces
:set expandtab

" automatically tab to the right place, after pressing enter                     
:set autoindent

" less bright colours
:set background=light 
" set colour of comments
:highlight Comment ctermfg=Green

" syncronise syntax highlighting properly
:syntax on
autocmd BufEnter * :syntax sync fromstart 
" highlight terms for which you've searched
:set hlsearch

" allow Shift-K to look up stuff
":set keywordprg=/path/to/a/script

" For Taglist: http://vim-taglist.sourceforge.net/
" Show name of current subroutine

map q :TlistShowTag<Enter>
" Show list of all subroutines

nnoremap <silent> <tab> :TlistToggle<Enter>

" Enable code folding for perl subroutines
:let perl_fold=1
" don't fold the whole package up, just subroutines (type zazO with cursor on the package name to unfold everything)
":set foldlevelstart=1
" don't fold anything (type za while in a subroutine to fold it up)
:set foldlevelstart=99

" EXAMPLE of mapping a keypress to a sequence of other keypresses
" map CTRL-E to end-of-line (while in insert mode)
imap <C-e> <esc>$i<right>

" Also set .vim/ftplugin/perl.vim to display the current Perl subroutine name in the status line

" save local marks a-z for up to 100 files ('100), save global marks A-Z upon exit (f1)
set viminfo='100,f1

" don't clear the screen upon exiting vim
set t_ti= t_te=

" load custom filetypes
:filetype on
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tt set filetype=html