- debug (old, built-in)
- ruby -rdebug foo.rb
- # works
- # but can't view code around current line automatically like Perl's {{v
- pry (no step-through)
- require 'pry' # at the top
- binding.pry # in code to define a breakpoint
- ruby foo.rb
- pry with step through:
- pry-debugger (2014. failed to install)
- pry-debug (2014. installed. works)
- pry_debug foo.rb
- ruby-debug_pry (2011)
- pry-byebug (requires ruby >= 2.2.0)
A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.
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Ruby debugging gems
A list of debugger add-ons for ruby: