A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.

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Quick reference

Use cpm to manage your Perl dependencies

cpm is much faster than cpanm because it makes HTTP requests in parallel and caches modules between runs. The output is also infinitely more clear than cpanm.

# Define the local lib directory
unset PERL5LIB; unset PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT; eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=./local)

# Install cpm using cpanm
cpanm -nf -L local App::cpm # 35 modules

# Then manually install any problematic modules (as necessary) that have been moved in/out of core
cpm install Module::Build
cpm install Module::Pluggable
cpm install Archive::Extract
cpm install CGI::Cookie
cpm install CGI

# Finally fetch all the CPAN and other dependencies
export DARKPAN=https://username:passwork@mydarkpan.example.com
cpm install --resolver 02packages,$DARKPAN --resolver metadb

Note: --resolver is experimental. The standard argument is --mirror

Thanks HypnoMark

# Another form
cpm install --show-build-log-on-failure --resolver metadb --resolver 02packages,$PINTO_MIRROR --feature=client