A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.

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Complex joins with DBIC in Perl

In a DBIx::Class ResultSet, sometimes you want to return all rows from aaa that have foreign keys to rows in bbb, that have foreign keys to rows in ccc.

This returns rows from ccc which is not what you want:

    return $_->search({
        some_id => { '!=' => undef },

...so rather than doing it in a Perly way which returns an array not a resultset, not to mention many more queries than strictly necessary:

    return grep {
        } $self->search({
             some_id => { '!=' => undef },

...instead do it the DBIC way, which returns a resultset, and is further chainable, etc.:

    return $self->search({
        'me.some_id' => { '!=' => undef },
        'ccc.some_other_id' => { '!=' => undef },
    }, {
        join => { 'aaa' => { 'bbb' => 'ccc' } }

See docs: DBIx/Class/Manual/Joining.pod#COMPLEX_JOINS_AND_STUFF

Ubuntu: Remove Unity and overlay scrollbars

1. Select 'Ubuntu classic' instead of 'Ubuntu' at the login screen

2. sudo apt-get remove overlay-scrollbar