A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.

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Quick reference

SSH tunnel

ssh -N -R 5555: user@hostname
  • 5555 is a port you make up
  • 666 is the port to which you are forwarding
  • is the IP of the target host to which you are fowarding
  • hostname is the host where port 5555 will be made available
  • you run this command on a third machine (e.g. your local host)

This results in  hostname:5555  getting forwarded to

Useful bash flags for scripts verbose trace expand error exit

Useful flags:
set -v # "verbose" - echo commands
set -x # "xtrace" - like verbose but expands commands
set -e # "errexit" - abort script at first error
set -u # "nounset" - strict mode: undefined variable causes an exit

Long format:
set -o verbose

Bash "strict mode":
set -euo pipefail