A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.

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Quick reference

Why not to use a pop-up window

If you're using a pop-up window on your website, you're doing it wrong.
It's akin to using nested tables for display, fer chrissakes!

Reasons why it's wrong:

  • It's a poor user experience because the user doesn't get any of the usual browser functionality in the pop-up window, like the back button or the icon that tells you the page is loading.
  • I'm sure I'll think of some more later

Testing Catalyst


Catalyst::Test - you get a context object back

Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst - you don't have to run a separate server

Change timezone in Linux

Change this link:

$ ls -l /etc/localtime

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     dwebadm        34 Dec  2 01:12 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Singapore*

Cannot install Java JDK: semicolon found in selected path

There's no semi colon in the install path. But you still get the error:

        semicolon found in selected path

Solution is to move the install .exe to c:\ and run it again.

Possibly with command line switches: /v"/L c:\install.log"

(Search results show that this same issue has existed for 11 years!)