A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.

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Quick reference

What is DevOps?

I've heard a lot of waffling definitions of DevOps that left me with more questions than answers. A colleague explained it to me like this:

DevOps is where:
  • Developers are responsible for getting code into production, and keeping it running. They receive problem alerts from production.
  • Member of the Operations team attend Development team standups.
  • When a problem arises, the two teams work closely together to resolve it
In contrast, seperate Dev and Ops is:
  • The development team is treated like a third-party supplier, who delivers a fully working and documented application.
  • When the software breaks they are still treated like a third-party supplier

Bash shortcuts for faster editing

To open the command line in vi:

set -o vi
# type or navigate to a long command
# press [escape]
# navigate the line using vi keyboard commands
# press 'v' to open the command in vi

bash default parameters

# Set dir to $1, or "foo" if $1 isn't set