How to find Chrome cache on Mac
export YOU=your_username
export PROFILE=Default
mkdir ~/chrome_images
cp /Users/$YOU/Library/Caches/Google/Chrome/$PROFILE/Cache/* ~/chrome_images/
for k in `/bin/ls`; do mv $k $k.jpg; done # rename all files to jpg
open ~/chrome_images
# Now browse the image folder and find the images you want
# More sophisticated renaming example:
if [[ `file $filename | grep JPEG` ]]; then mv $filename{,.jpg} ; fi
A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.
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YAML tricks to DRY
Use YAML anchor to copy & paste, or deduplicate data using DRY principle for YAML:
credentials::app-name: &app_credentials_anchor # <-- amp="" anchor="" b="" copies="">
username: foo
password: bar
credentials::app-name-worker: *app_credentials_anchor # <-- alias="" b="" pastes="">
credentials::app-name: &app_credentials_anchor # <-- amp="" anchor="" b="" copies="">
username: foo
password: bar
credentials::app-name-worker: *app_credentials_anchor # <-- alias="" b="" pastes="">
Docker basics
# Download an image and spin up a container, run it, connect to it
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name pintail-whoami pintailai/pintail-whoami:0.0.1 # download + run
docker run --rm -v /path/on/machine:/app/out image-name:stable params to app
docker ps # show running containers
docker ps | cut -c-$(tput cols) # show running containers without wrapping to the next line
docker ps -q # show just the IDs of the running containers
docker ps -q | head -1 # show ID of most recently started container (how to sort)
# Run a shell on a container
docker run -i -t [Container ID] /bin/bash
# Connect to a shell on an already-runnning docker container.
# (Shell: Use /bin/bash for ubuntu or /bin/ash for alpine)
docker exec -it [Container ID] [shell]
docker exec -it `docker ps -q | head -1` /bin/bash # run shell on the most recently started container
# Copy a file off
docker ps | cut -c-$(tput cols) # show running containers without wrapping to the next line
docker ps -q # show just the IDs of the running containers
docker ps -q | head -1 # show ID of most recently started container (how to sort)
# Run a shell on a container
docker run -i -t [Container ID] /bin/bash
# Connect to a shell on an already-runnning docker container.
# (Shell: Use /bin/bash for ubuntu or /bin/ash for alpine)
docker exec -it [Container ID] [shell]
docker exec -it `docker ps -q | head -1` /bin/bash # run shell on the most recently started container
# Copy a file off
docker cp <container>:<src-path> <local-dest-path>
# Delete all stopped containers and images
docker system prune -a
# List all images
docker image ls
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