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Quick reference

mount a directory from another host

in /etc/fstab:
//example.com/inetpub2 /nolmcs02/inetpub smbfs credentials=/root/nolmcs2-auth.txt,domain=NATIONAL,uid=noladmin,gid=noladmin,directio,hard 0 0

where /root/nolmcs2-auth.txt (or whatever you name it) is a file containing the username and password to use:

[root@nolappsdc01 ~]# cat /root/nolmcs2-auth.txt

You can mount this manually to test using:

mount -t smbfs //example.com/inetpub2 /nolmcs02/inetpub2 -o credentials=/root/nolmcs2-auth.txt,domain=NATIONAL,uid=noladmin,gid=noladmin,directio,hard

The credentials file is used so it will work on restart automatically. Instead of credentials=, you can use username=, etc. temporarily.