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Bash variable comparisons

...bash logic...

Note that integer and string comparison use a different set of operators.
integer comparison
is equal to
if [ "$a" -eq "$b" ]
is not equal to
if [ "$a" -ne "$b" ]
is greater than
if [ "$a" -gt "$b" ]
is greater than or equal to
if [ "$a" -ge "$b" ]
is less than
if [ "$a" -lt "$b" ]
is less than or equal to
if [ "$a" -le "$b" ]
is less than (within double parentheses)
(("$a" < "$b"))
is less than or equal to (within double parentheses)
(("$a" <= "$b"))
is greater than (within double parentheses)
(("$a" > "$b"))
is greater than or equal to (within double parentheses)
(("$a" >= "$b"))

string comparison

is equal to
if [ "$a" = "$b" ]
is equal to
if [ "$a" == "$b" ]
This is a synonym for =.