Time zone stuff in UNIX isn't difficult in concept but it can be tricky to work out how a box is configured.
The current timezone is set by the /etc/localtime file, which is either a symlink, or a hard link, or a copy of a file in /usr/share/zoneinfo. If the file's timestamp is a long time ago it's a fair bet it's been configured this way for a while.
The files in /usr/share/zoneinfo contain the definitions of a time zone -- its offset from UTC and any daylight savings in use. The problem is working out which file is in use. It could be a symlink:
[root@server ~]# ls -l /etc/localtime
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Jun 26 2008 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/GMT
Given the timestamp on the symlink to the GMT zone file is June last year I'd say it's likely that it's been configured this way (ie, GMT) for a long time.
Other boxes don't have symlinked timezone files:
[root@server ~]# ls -l /etc/localtime
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 118 Mar 4 2008 /etc/localtime
They might have a hard link (which is like having a file known by another name -- same contents, more than one name) to a zoneinfo file. You can try to work this out using find:
[root@server ~]# ls -l /etc/localtime
-rw-r--r-- 11 root root 118 Apr 13 2009 /etc/localtime
[root@server ~]# find /usr/share/zoneinfo -samefile /etc/localtime
You can see here that /etc/localtime and all the GMT zone files are hard links to the same file contents -- ie, the file contents that set the time to GMT, showing this box is in GMT.
If /etc/localtime isn't a symlink or a hard link it must be a straight copy of a zone file (or it's totally broken). You can work this out by MD5 summing /etc/localtime's contents against all the possible time zone files it could be. Get the MD5 sum (like an abbreviation of the contents) of /etc/localtime:
[root@server ~]# md5sum /etc/localtime
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /etc/localtime
Then find other files with the same contents:
[root@server ~]# find /usr/share/zoneinfo/ -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | grep fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT+0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/Greenwich
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/GMT+0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/GMT0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/Greenwich
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/GMT
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/Etc/GMT+0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/Etc/GMT0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/Etc/Greenwich
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/Etc/GMT
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/Etc/GMT-0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/GMT-0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/GMT+0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/GMT0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/Greenwich
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/GMT
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/GMT-0
fcccbcf95c718cf2fdee557763e460be /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT-0
So it looks like this server's /etc/localtime has the same contents as all the GMT files. This box is in GMT.
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