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There is only one known xslt2 processor called SAXON (http://saxon.sourceforge.net/), built by Michael Kay, which was released for the Java and .NET platforms.

Other XSLT processors, including Sablotron, Xalan and MSXML, have not yet adopted xslt2.

Kay writes: "implementation [for xslt2 in php] does not exist because no-one has written one". He continues, "The usual workaround I recommend is to implement XSLT 2.0 transformation as a (Java-based or .NET-based) REST web service, and for the php application to submit transformation requests to that web service by means of HTTP requests. An alternative is to use a php-Java bridge"

Michael Kay manages an email-based discussion group called MulberryTech, a good resource for learning XSLT techniques (both 1 and 2). (http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/)