Debug::Trace, Debug::LTrace, Devel::Trace, or others.
2) Then if you want to filter the list, try:
perl PERL5DB='sub DB::DB {my @c=caller;return if $c[1] =~ m|/opt/foo/bar| || $c[1] =~ m|/qux/| || $c[1] =~ m|Useless|; print STDERR qq|@c[1,2] ${"::_<$c[1]"}[$c[2]]|}' perl -d path/to/test/file.t
(thanks Brian)
3) Here's one I came up with using Moose:
use Moose;
use Scalar::Util;
use Data::Dumper;
for my $func qw(list all the subroutine names here) {
around $func => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
warn "Running __PACKAGE__::${func} with:\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $param (@_) {
# don't display class it$self
next if blessed $param and $param->isa(__PACKAGE__);
if (blessed $param) {
# try not to dump out huge objects
warn "\t$i = $param\n";} else {
warn "\t$i = ".Dumper($param);
# call the original sub
4) Simple way to log all parameters:
my $r=\@_; $logger->debug('entering ', sub { $logger->dump(args => $r) });
5) Simple way to log method name only, without potentially verbose parameters:
$logger->info("entering ".( caller(0) )[3]);
6) Log4perl configuration
Use %M to log the method name, then just log anything, e.g. "entering".