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Diff fun with vi and svn

Diff two files side-by-side
(search for this to highlight differences only -- replace ^I with actual tabs -- / <^I| <$| >^I| >$| \|^I )
diff --side-by-side [a] [b] | less

Diff two files side-by-side using vi
(use Ctrl-W+W to switch sides; may need :syntax off to prevent colours clashing)
vimdiff [a] [b]

Subversion diff using vi
Step 1. Create a diff command script for svn (and set the execute bit):
# Subversion provides the paths we need as the sixth and seventh parameters.
RIGHT=${5%    (working copy)}
[ "$RIGHT" == "$5" ] && RIGHT=$7
# Call the diff command (change the following line to make sense for your merge program).
# diffopt+=iwhite ignores whitespace differences
# \<c-w>\<c-w> switches to the right-hand pane
vimdiff "+set diffopt+=iwhite" '+execute "normal \<c-w>\<c-w>"' $LEFT $RIGHT

Step 2. Create a diff script for you to use:
# Call the diff command (change the following line to make sense for your merge program).
# "-x -w" ignores all whitespace
svn diff -x -w --diff-cmd /path/to/diff/command/script/above $1

Step 3. Run the diff script
name_of_your_script [file in workspace]