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Emacs for a vi user

In the past I've exclusively used vi, but now I want to use Emacs as I've heard it has some useful modes, for example 'font-lock-keywords' mode which is one way to easily highlight certain keywords in a program's console output. I don't want to mess around compiling specialised text highlighting programs, and they're not in my standard repos. Emacs is much more likely to already be available wherever I need it.

Emacs commands:
  • To exit: C-x C-c
  • Turn on syntax highlighting: M-x font-lock-mode

C = Ctrl
M = Meta (Alt)

Thanks to the rest of the web

UPDATE: It turns out font-lock-keywords can easily be implemented in a 3 line bash script. Call it "highlight":

    # Usage: tail -f error.log | highlight "error"
    RED="$(tput setaf 1)"
    RESET="$(tput setaf 7)"
    sed "s/$1/$RED$1$RESET/"

But I would still like to see the Perl debugger integrated into Emacs