A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.

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Quick reference

Advanced subversion usage

Rebase branch on trunk

cd /working/dir/path/to/branch

svn log --stop-on-copy | tail -4 | grep ^r | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/r//'

svn propget db:::dweb::trunk:last_merge_from /working/dir/path/to/branch

svn merge -r 1110:2222 https://remote/path/to/trunk /working/dir/path/to/branch

# check for conflicts and test

svn commit -m'Pull from trunk'

Diff branch against trunk

svn propget db:::dweb::trunk:last_merge_from /working/dir/path/to/branch

svn diff https://remote/path/to/trunk@1111 https://remote/path/to/branch