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Reasons to use "git pull --rebase" by default

Rebase is a really sharp knife. Sometimes a really sharp knife is what you need, but it's also possible to accidentally injure yourself.

(thanks to Bill Blunn for the imagery).

Reasons to use "git pull --rebase" and not "git pull" (which merges by default):
  • Prevents massive weird conflicting-with-yourself problems if anyone rebases that branch later, e.g. just before merging to master
  • Keeps all the commits together in a bunch at the top of the tree so you can easily identify them visually
  • Allows "git diff master..HEAD" to work without including unrelated changes
Reasons not to use "git pull --rebase" and stick with "git pull" (using merges):

  • It's the default, so most people will use it, and their merges will clash with your rebases

Comparison table:

issue git pull (default: merge) git pull --rebase
git log, in a feature branch pro: you always see when master was merged
con: your commits will be interleaved with others commits
(less of a problem for short-lived branches)
pro: root of feature branch is transparently moved to head of master
pro: all your commits are kept bunched together
con: you don't know when master was merged
con: you have to notify everyone downstream
diff feature branch against master con: it's more difficult to diff against master pro: "git diff master" just works
mixing rebase and merge con: you can't rebase without weird conflicts con: you can't merge downstream without weird conflicts
(not sure about this one)

(thank you tablesgenerator.com)