I've used `brew install ....` many times, but now I'm regretting it because:
- `brew update` takes so incredibly long to run, and downloads lots of unnecessary git history
- `/usr/local/Cellar` is 3.8Gb big and I'm short on disk space
List of brew installed apps, in date order:
- redis@4.0
- watch
- tree
- dnsmasq
- libunistring
- libxmlsec1
- xmlsec1
- ack
- putty
- cmatrix
- the_silver_searcher
- ag
- youtube-dl
- elasticsearch@6.7
- vbindiff
- libpng
- ilmbase
- oniguruma
- jq
- telnet
- gifsicle
- fontconfig
- tidy-html5
- minio
- gcc@4.9
- autoenv # bugged: breaks "cd -"
- direnv
- maven@3.6
- htop-osx
- htop
- xvid
- npm
- node@14
- lsd
- id3v2
- nghttp2
- gnutls
- sphinx-doc
- protobuf@3.17
- markdown
- postgres@13
- ruby
- httrack
- chafa
- wget
- python@3.7
- python2
- coreutils
- ctags-exuberant
- ctags