A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.

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Quick reference

How to maintain software

You have a massive legacy spaghetti mess of code, and you need to add a new feature.

Write tests first.

Put all your new code in a new module, and only insert single lines into the legacy code to call the new code. This allows you to properly encapsulate the new code, wrap it in try/catch blocks, etc. and not break the legacy system.

Pass whole objects into the new code, this is a necessary consequence of encapsulation.

How big is libgen? Answer: 131TiB (= 144Tb)

# First method: 131TiB

$ wget https://phillm.net/libgen-stats.php -O libgen-stats.json

$ cat libgen-stats.json | jq '.[]|.size_bytes' | perl -lne'$x+=$_;END{print$x}'


$ bc -l

144116297318150 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024

131.07300884998949186410 Tebibytes

$ bc -l

144116297318150 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000

144.11629731815000000000 Terabytes

New software cheat sheet


## Languages

- Perl: best for fast prototyping
- Ruby: best for having fun
- Node: best for public projects
- Python: best for experiments

## Frameworks

### Perl

- DBIx::Class 💯
- Mojolicious 💯

### Node

- Express (popular)
- React?
- Koa?
- NestJS?
-....? for testing: Qunit?
-....? for web framework

### Python

- Django? (this one)
- Flask?

### Ruby

- Rails?
- Active Record?

## Libraries

### Perl

- just everything

### Node

- minimist reads command line arguments
- cheerio parses HTML
- daysjs manages dates/times
  - customParseFormat plugin parses dates
- knex does CRUD on databases
- fs perfoms operations on the file system
- import process from 'node:process'; // process.exit(1);

Books about software design theory

Ludo: Here's the online slide deck from Mark Jason Dominus’ 2002 YAPC lightning talk “Design Patterns Aren’t”, on Professor Christoper Alexander, his book A Pattern Language, the ‘Gang of Four’ and design patterns.

APL was book two of a trilogy also incorporating The Timeless Way of Building (volume 1) and The Oregon Experiment (volume 3).

Alexander’s earlier work Notes on the Synthesis of Form was also a big hit with computer scientists in the 1960s, even though it, too, was primarily aimed at designers and architects. (And if you still have any empty shelves on your bookcase, Alexander’s 2002-2004 four-volume work The Nature of Order: An Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe is apparently considered his magum opus; and he also published The Battle for the Life and Beauty of the Earth: A Struggle between Two World-Systems, about how his team designed & constructed a Japanese school, in 2012.)

Will: There's another book with a possibly contrasting view: Semantic Software Design. It says the main work in software is coming up with the concepts/paradigm/metaphor which explains what the software is doing. And also we shouldn't think of developers as manufacturers, builders or architects. But rather creative artists. Mainly because we never produce the same piece of work twice.

Cloud development machines

 A list of cloud servers for basic hobby-level software development.

All prices per month:

  • DigitalOcean: $4 for 512Mb memory, 10Gb file storage, 500Gb transfer
    • $6 for 1Gb memory, 25Gb file storage, 1000Gb transfer
    • Block storage:
      • $10 for 100Gb
    • Object storage:
      • $5 for 250Gb, 1Tb outbound transfer
    • Images: $0.06/GiB/mo
      • = $1.50 for 25Gb
  • Vultr: $6 for 1Gb memory, 25Gb file storage, 2Tb transfer
    • Block storage: $1 per 10Gb
    • Object storage: $5 for 250Gb, 1Tb outbound transfer
  • Linode: $5 for 1Gb memory, 25Gb file storage, 1Tb transfer
    • Block storage: $1 per 10Gb
    • Object storage: $5 for 250Gb, 1Tb outbound transfer
    • Images:
      • $0.10 for 1Gb x 25
      • $2.50 for 25Gb x 25
  • Kamatera: $4 for 1Gb memory, 20Gb file storage, 5000Gb transfer
    • File storage:
      • $6 for 30Gb
      • $7 for 40Gb
      • $8 for 50Gb
      • $12 for 100Gb

Database schema diagrams in 2022


  • Whenever you publish a diagram, also include a comment explaining which software/website was used.

    • If you need to log into a website in order to update the diagram, post the login details… somewhere.

      • Ideally you would first create an account that is intended to be shared within you team.

  • If the diagram was generated from source code, publish the source code (or a link to it) along with the diagram.

    • For bonus points, include this information in the image itself.

  • These suggestions apply equally to email, chat, wiki, printouts, etc.

  • Don’t send the source to clients, only to colleagues.

  • Read The C4 model for visualising software architecture for a good system and suggestions on diagrams (then look at using plantUML with the C4 extentions).

    • This is a good talk on the topic:

Types of diagram

  • Database schema diagram

  • Flowchart

  • Sequence diagram

  • Component/Class diagram

  • Code workflow

  • …

Desktop software


  • VIsual-only

    • Dia - beware, it's Dia by name and dire by nature

    • Omnigraffle - Mac only

  • Source + Visual

    • VS Code - has nice plantuml  integration - live preview

    • PlantUML (example)

      • Summary: Full featured language designed for visualising software architecture, build multiple diagrams from a single model, etc.

      • See also Structurizr

    • GraphViz

      • Summary: Simpler, general purpose language for diagrams (dot language)


  • …

Online software



  • diagrams.net (formerly draw.io)
    • Quite heavy
    • Like an online omnigraffle
    • Doesn't specialise in databases
    • No import function for SQL
  • dbdiagram.io

    • Free for up to 10 diagrams :-|
    • Fairly good
    • Has multiple import/export
    • Importing is quite easy (although doesn't support all syntax)
    • Diagrams don't look quite as good as dbdesigner.net
  • dbdesigner.net
    • Free for 2 diagrams? :-/
    • Slightly better looking diagrams
    • But more buggy (Login & save before starting!)
    • Importing is more painful than dbdiagram.io


    • Pencil and paper - consider this for a first draft (scan/photo if necessary)


    Note: PlantUML uses Graphviz to draw some diagrams. 

    (sorry, the formatting of this post is a complete mess)

    jq cheat sheet

    jq manual

    jq docs

    jq playground

    Normal mode

    Exploring HAR files

    export HAR_FILE="/path/to/har/file"

    • Example to dump responses, for a given request URI

      • REQUEST_URI="https://www.facebook.com/api/graphql/" cat $HAR_FILE | jq -r ".log.entries[] | if .request.url | test(\"$REQUEST_URI\") then .response.content else empty end"
        • Note the string passed to jq is in double quotes " so that the $REQUEST_URI is interpolated
        • But jq wants us to use double quotes for test("foo"), therefore they must be escaped like test(\"foo\")
    • Another way to do the same thing in bash using single quotes. Quotes can be tricky.

      • REQUEST_URI="https://www.facebook.com/api/graphql/" cat $HAR_FILE | jq -r '.log.entries[] | if .request.url | test("'$REQUEST_URI'") then { uri: .request.url, mineType: .response.content.mimeType, content: .response.content.text | .[0:200] } else empty end'
      • Note the string passed to jq is in three parts:
        • '...etc...test("'
        • $REQUEST_URI
        • '") then...etc...else empty end'
      • The content is truncated to the first 200 characters, to make it more readable
    • Dump full the response content, interpreted as JSON

      • ...todo...

    Streaming mode


    Case studies


    Goal: Extract URLs of all your playlists

    (under development)

    • Go to https://music.youtube.com/library/playlists in browser, scroll slowly down to the bottom
      • Chrome | DevTools | Network tab | Save all as HAR
    • Extract response text for relevant requests
      • cat $HAR_FILE | jq -r '.log.entries[] | select( .request.url | test("^https://music.youtube.com/youtubei") ) | .response.content.text' > $REQS_FILE
    • Approach 1: Loop over lines of file and extract playlistIDs (status: draft -- this gets playlist titles)
      • cat $REQS_FILE | while read line; do echo "$line" | jq '.contents.singleColumnBrowseResultsRenderer.tabs[].tabRenderer.content.sectionListRenderer.contents[].musicCarouselShelfRenderer.contents[].musicTwoRowItemRenderer.title.runs[] | { name: .text, id: .navigationEndpoint.browseEndpoint.browseId }'; done > $PLAYLISTS_FILE
      • Bugs:
        • duplicate values
        • jq errors
        • last 5 entries are irrelevant
        • missing most entries!
    • Approach 2: Scan for all relevant playlist IDs, wherever they are in the document
      • cat playlists.2 | jq -r 'getpath( paths | select(.[-1] == "browseId") ) | select(. | match("^VLPL"))'
      • Bugs:
        • jq error: parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 11, column 0
        • missing some entries
    • Approach 3: Give up and use Perl regex
      • cat $REQS_FILE | perl -lne'@ids = m/"browseId":"([^"]+)"/g; print $_ foreach map { s/^VL//; $_ } grep { /^VLPL/ && length($_) > 22 } @ids' | uniq > $PLAYLISTS_FILE
      • Bugs:
        • This was supposed to be a jq cheat sheet, using Perl is cheating!
        • It still misses some playlists from the initial page load.
    • Approach 4: Found another source of data in the page
      • cat $HAR_FILE | jq -r '.log.entries[] | select( .request.url | test("^https://music.youtube.com/library/playlists") ) | .response.content.text' > $SCRIPT_DATA
      • Decode it
        • cat $SCRIPT_DATA | perl -plne's/(\\x[[:xdigit:]]{2})/qq{"$1"}/eeg' > $DECODED_SCRIPT_DATA
      • Maybe little bit of manual munging :/
      • ...TODO... extract the browseIDs


    Goal: Extract list of alternative software

    Fetch JSON

    Extract data

    • export REGEX="software/gmail.json"; cat alternativeto.net.har | jq -r ".log.entries[] | if .request.url | test(\"$REGEX\") then .response.content.text else empty end" > page_per_line
      • this results in 9 lines, one for each 'page' you loaded
    • change the [] above to [0] to get one page, and pipe the result through jq again or use the fromjson filter as follows:
      • export REGEX="software/gmail.json"; cat alternativeto.net.har | jq -r ".log.entries[0] | if .request.url | test(\"$REGEX\") then .response.content.text | fromjson else empty end" > one_page_one_line
    • Now browse this JSON data, preferably in an IDE like vscode that can fold up sections easily to discover the following structure:
      • export REGEX="software/gmail.json"; cat alternativeto.net.har | jq -r ".log.entries[] | if .request.url | test(\"$REGEX\") then .response.content.text | fromjson | .pageProps.items[] | { name: .name, cost: .licenseCost, model: .licenseModel, desc: .shortDescriptionOrTagLine } else empty end" > software.json

    Sample output

      "name": "Mailfence",
      "cost": "Freemium",
      "model": "Proprietary",
      "desc": "Mailfence is a secure and private email service that fights for online privacy and digital freedom."
      "name": "Proton Mail",
      "cost": "Freemium",
      "model": "Open Source",
      "desc": "Secure email with absolutely no compromises, brought to you by MIT and CERN scientists."

    Tips, tricks and gotchas

    Decode HTML entities

    e.g. converts AT&T Webmail to AT&T Webmail

    npm install -g he
    cat software.json | jq '.name' -r | he --decode


    For very simple test examples, you must quote inputs twice, i.e. pass "foo" with quotes

    echo '"hello"' | jq '.'

    Regex. gsub = global substitution. Note the semicolon ; to separate arguments to gsub().

    echo '"foo\r\nbar"' | jq -r 'gsub("(\r\n.+)"; "")'
    view raw jq_cheat_sheet.md hosted with ❤ by GitHub

    Javascript web frameworks, 2022

     A list:

    • React - library, jsx, facebook
    • Vue - easier than backbone, good cli
    • Angular - typescript, heavy, google
    • Ember - opinionated, fast development <-- this one is good
    • Backbone - stable, reliable, data rendering, easy, lightweight
    • Aurelia - convention over configuration, standards, very easy
    • Lit - very fast, lightweight, google
    • Mithril - lean, fast, simple

    Improve website usability, with Javascript

    // You need a certain control to be clicked when you press a certain button? Such codez!

    window.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {

      if (event.keyCode === 27) { // escape




    Node CRUD basics

    Javascript philosophy and execution flow is quite different to Perl:

    • With Perl it's strongly discouraged to wrap an operation in a `try { ... }` block without a `catch { ... }` block following it, because any errors would be hidden and the operation might silently fail.
    • With Javascript and Promises, many operations are automatically wrapped in a `try { ... }` block, and are not even executed if they don't have a `.then()` or a `.catch()` added, so they silently fail!
    Knex basics

    name: 'Mr Foo'
    .then((result) => {
    // This block is *REQUIRED* or the query is not sent to the database!
    if (! result[0]) {
    console.log(`Error: "Mr Foo" was not found.`);
    process.exit(1); // It is alright to exit here *IF* it's a fatal condition
    // Mr Foo was found
    doSomethingWithMrFoo({ nameId: result[0].id });
    .then(() => {
    // Query completed, Mr Foo may or may not have been found.
    console.log('Query done.');
    //process.exit(0); // Warning: Do not call exit here or the knex promises don't get fulfilled.
    function doNextThing {
    name: track.name,
    artist: track.artist,
    .then(function(resp) {
    console.log('loaded track', resp);
    }).catch(function(err) {
    console.log('ERROR:', err);
    process.exit(1); // It is alright to exit here because there is a fatal error (the database failed to run the query)
    console.log('Everything done.');
    //process.exit(0); // Do not exit here either, or knex operations will not finish.
    view raw knex.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

    Basic Node package recommendations

    Recommendations for your javascript application:

    • Web framework: express
    • DB abstraction: knex, sequelize, db-migrate
    • DB Migration: knex, db-migrate
    • HTTP client (for external API requests): axios (older apps use superagent, axios has better features)
    • Templating: handlebars
    • Testing: mocha, sinon (mocking), chai (assertions), karma, jasmine, qunit, jest, cypress, storybook, ava
    • Integration testing: puppeteer, playwright, webdriverIO
    • Code Coverage: Istanbul
    • Process management (in production): pm2
    • Linting and code standards: eslint prettier
    • Inline documentation: JSDoc
    • Typescript: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/interfaces.html

    Semantic Software Design

     Inspired by Semantic Software Design.

    Design process cheat sheet

    ...from the book...

    Overview poster

    • Personas Who will use this work?
    • Customer Journey Map Why are they using this and how do they interact with it?
    • Pains What about their current process is problematic? Where are they thwarted?
    • Gains What new innovations can you offer them that might help them take a leap forward in productivity, delight, options, opportunities?
    • Outcomes What is the change that would make a difference to your customers and other users? What reward do they want at the end of the journey?
    • Metrics How will your customers measure the difference that was made for them? How will they know they got great value from your system? Note that these should be rough and general at this stage.

    Use cases

    • Overview Provide a one-paragraph description of this use case. 
    • Actors Identify primary and supporting actors.
    • Relationship to Other Use Cases This use case is related to the following use cases:
      • Extends Use Case 1 (link)
      • Includes Use Case 2 (link)
    • Preconditions The following must be true for this use case to be started:
      • Condition 1
    • Postconditions Describe what will be true when this use case completes:
      • Condition 1
    • Primary Flow Describe the main flow of this use case, excluding error conditions:
      • Step 1
      • Step 2
    • Alternate Flows Describe any desired alternative flows or error conditions. Identify step numbers where the alternative paths begin.
    • Special Requirements Identify performance, scalability, availability, and internationalization requirements associated with this use case.




    Approaches are short versions of Design Definition Documents (see below). These are perhaps 3 to 10 pages long and cover a specific engagement. For example, we had a customer who wanted to integrate with our APIs in a certain unusual way because of constraints of their legacy system. So, the architect wrote an Approach document describing how the integration should be performed, the protocols to use, where to get certain data, the security implementation, and so forth.

    Design Definition Document (D3) Template

    Program Name Design Definition

    Executive Summary

    State the purpose of the program and what this document covers.

    About this Document

    This section contains metadata about the design document itself.


    Names of people who did most of the writing.


    Names of people who contributed some writing or key ideas.


    Names of people who did some quality control on this document.

    Document State

    Is this a draft, in review, or published?

    Use of IETF Keywords

    This document employs a subset of the Internet Engineering Task Force key‐ words found in RFC 2119. These words are MUST, SHOULD, MAY, and their counterparts MUST NOT, SHOULD NOT, MAY NOT. They are capitalized throughout the document to draw attention to their special status as keywords used to indicate requirement levels.

    Business Design

    Describe the business objectives, drivers, and expected benefits for undertaking this program.


    Describe what capabilities the solution will have. What new benefits are provided in functional and nonfunctional terms? What new scalability, reliability, global distribution, performance, resilience, extensibility, manageability, portability, security, or other benefits are expected? Don’t advertise or market to your audi‐ ence; be concrete and concise.

    Strategic Fit

    What element of the business and technology strategies does this help realize? How?

    Business Drivers

    Why are we doing this? What priority is it among known others?


    What is expected to be in place for this solution approach to be successful? Refer to funding, availability of key resources, operations support, contracts, key pro‐ cesses, procurement, Global Network Operations Center (GNOC), regulations, stated standards and guidance or technology patterns from the leadership team, and so on.

    Constraints Applicable laws

    Does the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) apply?

    Applicable regulations

    Reference need to maintain compliance with Payment Card Industry (PCI), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), General Data Protection Regula‐ tion (GDPR), and System and Organization Controls (SOC). Do not merely

    state that these laws exist, state how your design specifically accounts for supporting them so that the developers can be sure to implement it accordingly.


    List business risks in doing the project as envisioned, risks to the customer or existing business prospects or processes, how it can be maintained and operated properly, availability of staffing resources, securing funding, countries/markets, the inherent risks in trade-offs made, and so forth.


    What will this project or this architecture create in terms of organizational, train‐ ing, and process needs that affect the business? How will the business need to change to best support this? Are there new processes that are expected to be adopted internally within product development to support a new technology or skillset? Should any roles and responsibilities change?


    List the organization, roles, and named individuals who stand to win or lose by a good or bad outcome on this program. Who must change to accommodate it? This will eventually feed your Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI) document.


    What is the framework you’ll use to govern this project? Must you invent a new committee? Are there design review processes or cloud governance or financial governance processes to follow?

    Application Design

    Application overview and general strategy description.

    Applicable Standards and Policies

    List of links to published guidelines and conventions for development teams to follow. For example, any internal policies, industry-specific standards, PCI guide‐ lines, ADA guidelines, and so forth that you expect teams to follow.

    Guidelines and Conventions

    Links to published guidelines and conventions for Dev teams to follow, such as published internal standards, Google Java coding guidelines, JavaScript conven‐ tions, code quality guidelines, and so forth.


    Diagrams, links, and descriptions of patterns for Dev teams to follow in the implementation. Reference any design patterns for designing and developing services as applicable.


    List services to be created or existing services to be reused, along with the owners of those services.


    Security requirements and design: how data will be secured, encrypted, author‐ ized, authenticated at rest, in transmission, or in processing. Use of Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top Ten and how those are addressed. What security groups are required? Highlight security requirements for develop‐ ment such as bastion hosts. List transport or Transport Layer Security (TLS)/ Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) requirements.


    Target SLA in terms of 9’s uptime and how specifically the architecture will sup‐ port such numbers. How recoverability, disaster recovery, and the like is being supported. Consider these questions:

    • What are the compensating actions taken in a failure?

    • Will a circuit breaker be used?

    • What redundancy is there?

    • How is caching used to support certain failure events?

    • Health-check page?

    • Multideployments?

    • How are specific key components particularly designed for resilience and high availability? Are you using multiple cloud zones?

    • What is your service replacement and versioning strategy to support zero- downtime releases?

      Scalability and Performance

      What number of transactions per second at this latency and CPU utilization must the solution support? What is the unit of scale (container, virtual machine, cluster)? Use actual numbers and calculate the impact on server footprint that will have. What are the ways in which the application and services can scale through statelessness, Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs)? State the ASG threshold so developers aren’t left to guess.


      Will you use certain patterns in your services such as Strategy or Specification? How will APIs specifically support the ways that the application affords future change, how will the application support customizing per customer, and how are configurations afforded?


    How will this be tested, what tools will be used, and what specific automation and targets will be in place? Include functional testing, regression testing, integration testing, and chaos/resilience testing. Load testing plan? How will this be automa‐ ted? What specific toolset used in what process?


    What software guidance for developers will help make the code base easier, cleaner, simple to maintain in the long term? Code repository needs or project needs? What is the maintenance schedule anticipated or downtime for upgrades strategy?

    Monitorability and Metrics

    What tools and dashboards are required, logging requirements, how the software itself must support event publishing to increase visibility. What are the specific metrics that will indicate system uptime, health, and proper performance? How will alerts be triggered at what threshold? Consider CPU, memory, drive/filesys‐ tem volumes, process monitoring, logs, event logs, and required procedures.

    Data Design

    Database Strategy

    Overview the general data management strategy for this application. What spe‐ cial customer requirements should be called out for careful handling? What are the risks involved with this strategy? Expected benefits?

    Standards and Guidelines

    What is the applicable set of data technology standards, guidelines, and tools?


    What database technologies will be used for what purposes, what specific serv‐ ices? Are there any new database technologies being used, or new versions? Where can developers learn more? What guidance exists for them?

    What instance types are being used? Are the available networking modes the proper type for that database? Have you used the cost calculator to size and price instances?


    How will customers get data into your system?
    If you’re porting data, what are the source and target maps?
    How will customers get their data back out of your system for their own use?

    Replication, Backup, and Recovery

    How is data replication supported? How will you distribute data globally?

    What is the backup/recovery strategy? Will you store full or partial backups? For how long? On what systems, for what services?

    What is the bulk data replication strategy? What is the multiregion strategy?

    Data Versioning

    How will your database be versioned? What about the data itself?

    Database Automation

    How will the database farm be automated and updated? What tools, pipelines, and processes are in place or should be developed?

    Database Performance Considerations

    What performance thresholds for transactions within the database are expected? Do you have a known level you must support?

    Data Warehousing, Storage, and Management Requirements

    What data volumes must be supported? Data movement policies and require‐ ments. Reference how logs will be stored, managed, or forwarded.

    Data Maintenance

    How data will be maintained, data retention policies, scripting to offload, data restoration. How will data be populated for different environments for this appli‐ cation? Will data be truncated? At what interval? How will data be encrypted? Are there GDPR or PII/PCI requirements to be stated for development teams or infrastructure admins?

    Data Migration

    How will data get into the system? Is connecting to a legacy system required? Is Golden Gate or Kafka or Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) or another tool in use? What time period is anticipated for this? Will data need to be synchronized over a certain period of time?

    Data Volume

    What is the expected starting volume of data? What size database is anticipated? Will there be multiple data stores? How many rows are anticipated to be added or removed daily for the key services?


    What are your log rotation policies? Are there requirements for Splunk or another monitoring tool?


    How will we do reporting for customer use? For internal use?


    How must the system audit user changes to track and report in case of a security breach or for compliance?


    How is the database farm itself specifically secured? Will data be encrypted at rest, and how will that be managed? How will access to different environments be managed, including at the development level?


    What data must be exposed by the application to support business analytics. How must that data be exposed to support analytics tools? Will you have a data lake? How will that be maintained, accessed, and used properly?

    Caching Strategy

    Requirements for caching and the locations and technology to support caching. How distributed is it? Any guidance for application developers as applicable. Guidelines on caching for implementers and for developers subsequently using it.

    Machine Learning

    What specific processes must be called out for machine learning? How will data pipelines be supported? What is that entire subsystem design? Feature engineer‐ ing considerations.

    Infrastructure Design

    Infrastructure overview statement.

    Infrastructure Strategy

    What are the patterns you employ? Are there deployment diagrams, component diagrams, other UML? Cloud infrastructure design? Do you need to include load balancers, DNS, application servers, networks, CIDR allowances, security, data servers, firewalls, storage, queues, and so on?

    Latency and Performance

    How does your infrastructure support the specific application and customer-level SLAs described earlier?

    Infrastructure Security

    How will the environments be secured?


    How will teams perform patching (hopefully no-patching)? Related policies such as operating system (OS) upgrades, replacements.

    Standards, Guidelines, Conventions

    References or links to existing guidelines that you want the teams to follow.

    Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

    References to templates, best practices, samples.

    Environment Guidelines

    When/how to use reserve instances, autoscaling groups, VPN access to different environments by different teams, and so on.

    Global Distribution

    How do we enable and maintain the ability to distribute our applications glob‐ ally? Are there any particular concerns, such as regarding the Chinese firewall? Concerns associated with performance and security in globally distributing? Server replication processes and automation?

    Immutable Infrastructure

    Describe how your infrastructure is immutable, including process automation.


    Are there any necessary strategies for hybrid architectures (solutions that span on-premise and cloud)?


    State SLAs that you must meet. Put them in mathematically testable terms, from a customer perspective. Include the panoply of customers, not only the end user. 


    See also:

    D3 in a nutshell

    Writing a hundred pages up front is not the answer. What is the answer is this:

    • Creating a concept of the whole picture as well as it’s understood and committing that to an external, formal format beyond the designer’s internal thoughts and conversations that others can see, read, understand, and use.
    • Performing a thorough and ongoing analysis and deconstruction of the concept based on its semantics. You don’t need to complete the entire document up front. We just must make sure we do visit all of these concerns, understanding that they will evolve.
    • Making a crisp, declarative, unambiguous, directive, testable set of design deci‐ sions that are clearly derived from the concept and record them formally in a public recording for the many diverse stakeholders. 

    Position papers



    Risks, Assumptions, Issues, Dependencies.

    The business aspect

    Proposition 0

    By definition, any purposive compound of objects and their relations is called a system. (Examples can include a software application, a datacenter, a business organization, a business process, a chemical compound, a written document, a play, a music composition, and so forth.)

    Proposition 0a
    These compounded elements and their relations are not innate, but are proposed, socially constructed, captured, augmented, determined, and filtered by the design‐ ers of that system.

    Proposition 0b

    Any system is either designed explicitly (purposively), or implicitly. If the design is implicit, its design is regarded and comprehended only after the fact, after the system is in place, as a result of a series of accidents, which is likely non-optimal.

    Proposition 1
    Certain principles apply to well-designed systems, and these same principles can be employed across the design of any system, though seemingly disparate.

    Proposition 1a

    The attributes of any well-designed system include, at a minimum:

    Fitness to purpose

    It must serve what it purports to serve, to help users achieve their goals efficiently.


    It must afford that purpose in a way that minimizes friction and noise, mak‐ ing it easy and delightful to use, consume, and participate in.


    Given that the system operates in a world of frequent change, it should be designed in a way to allow modifications, updates, and extension according to future needs.

    Proposition 1b

    An additional set of attributes contemplated for a well-designed system (software or otherwise) include the following:


    It should be easy to correct faults, improve performance, and adapt to a changed environment.


    You should be able to keep the system safe, secure, and operating smoothly.


    You should be able to see into the system, to measure and understand how it is working.


    It must excel at its purposes.


    It should be able to operate in a variety of contexts.


    It should be able to operate at the same level, even under increased load.

    Proposition 2

    The software system you design will operate within a business context, and there‐ fore, to be optimally designed, the software system must be designed to support and operate within this business context or a new business context the software, in its innovation, potentially requires the creation of.

    Proposition 3

    The business is a system of systems (these are business elements that are also sys‐ tems: your service-oriented development organization, the sales delivery process, the architecture review board, the strategic funding process, local executive steer‐ ing committee meetings, the joint venture strategy, the project execution plan, and so forth).

    Proposition 4

    The business therefore can be designed as systems; it operates according to these same principles.

    Proposition 5
    Because the semantic designer (creative architect) is foremost a designer of sys‐ tems, the purview of the role includes the proper design of the software as well as the design of the business systems themselves.

    The business is a system just like the application is, so you as the creative director must help design the business itself as a cohesive and coherent system according to these principles, to achieve a better overall business outcome. The resulting business, as a context in which software is developed, will help improve the soft‐ ware itself, and help you make it on time and on budget and according to user needs. They inform and help (or hurt) each other.

    So there are two points here:

    • You might not have historically considered it part of your job, but to be especially effective, consider your purview to include the design of the organization itself and its processes according to received architecture and design principles.

    • When you design especially effective software, you not only consider the applica‐ tion frameworks and software attributes, but consider the impact the business will have on your system, and the impact your system will have on the business.

      Therefore, now we turn our attention to the business itself, to ask specifically:

      • How can you see your organization and processes as systems in themselves to be understood and purposively designed?

      • After you begin to see your organization through the lens of systems, how can you optimize the organization and processes toward maximum effectiveness?

      • How can you determine the impact your burgeoning system might have on the business?

                    â€˘ How aligned is the business with the system you are creating? As you bring it to life, can it be properly supported?

    By the end of this chapter, you will be able to answer these questions with the practi‐ cal tools we’ll introduce.

    Go and buy the book to read more.

    My notes

    ...based on my recent professional experience


    • Did you ask "Why?"
    • Do you know who the users are/will be?
    • Have you personally spoken to any of the users?


    • Is there good MVC separation? Could it be improved?
    • Is there good MVVM separation? Could it be improved?
    • Is there good test coverage? Even of the error conditions? Even of the test code itself?
