A piggy bank of commands, fixes, succinct reviews, some mini articles and technical opinions from a (mostly) Perl developer.

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## Languages

- Perl: best for fast prototyping
- Ruby: best for having fun
- Node: best for public projects
- Python: best for experiments

## Frameworks

### Perl

- DBIx::Class 💯
- Mojolicious 💯

### Node

- Express (popular)
- React?
- Koa?
- NestJS?
-....? for testing: Qunit?
-....? for web framework

### Python

- Django? (this one)
- Flask?

### Ruby

- Rails?
- Active Record?

## Libraries

### Perl

- just everything

### Node

- minimist reads command line arguments
- cheerio parses HTML
- daysjs manages dates/times
  - customParseFormat plugin parses dates
- knex does CRUD on databases
- fs perfoms operations on the file system
- import process from 'node:process'; // process.exit(1);