# This is how to run an external command from Perl,
# capturing both the output and the exit value
sub run_external_command {
my ($self, $command) = @_;
$self->logger->debug("Running command: $command");
my $output = '';
$command .= ' 2>&1 | '; # capture all output
open(my $capture, $command);
local $/ = undef;
$output = <$capture>;
my $exit_value = ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} >> 8;
$self->logger->debug("Exit value of command: '$exit_value'");
$self->logger->debug("Output of command: '".($output || '[no output]')."'");
return ($exit_value, $output);
This is another way:
use IPC::Open3;
sub run_external_command_2 {
local (*my_in, *my_out, *my_err);
my $command = "some command here that might error";
my $pid = open3(\*my_in, \*my_out, \*my_err, $command) or die($!);
my $std_out = do { local $/;
my $std_err = do { local $/;
waitpid($pid, 0);
my $exit_code = $? >> 8;
return { exit_code => $exit_code, std_out => $std_out, std_err => $std_err };